Jupiter and its moons were visited (among others) by the Galileo orbiter (1995-2003) and the Cassini spacecraft (flyby with closest approach on 30 Dec 2000). I was part of both missions as an “Imaging team associate”. This page offers some detailed reading and weblinks about the Galileo mission. | Jupiter und seine Monde wurden (unter anderem) von den Raumsonden Galileo (in einer Jupiterumlaufbahn von 1995-2003) und Cassini (Vorbeiflug mit nächster Annäherung am 30 Dez 2000) besucht. An beiden Missionen war ich als “Imaging team associate” beteiligt. Diese Seite bietet Artikel und Internet-Links zur Galileo-Mission an. |
Galileo Mission Readings / Lesestoff
Meltzer, M. (2007): Mission to Jupiter — A History of the Galileo Project. NASA SP-2007-4231. (Provided by the Books on Planetary and Lunar Science web page of NASA’s NSSDCA.)
Denk, T., Althaus, T. (1998): GEM: Die Galileo Europa Mission. Sterne und Weltraum 1/1998, S. 18-27.
Neukum, G., Denk, T., Giese, B., Schuster, P., Wagner, R. (2001): Galileo’s Jupiter-Orbit-Tour. DLR-Nachrichten 101, S. 24-39.
Denk, T. (2002): Galileos Flug zum Jupiter. In: Wege in der Physikdidaktik Band 5 (Naturphänomene und Astronomie) (Lotze, K.-H., Schneider, W.B., Hrsg.). S. 201-217.
Galileo mission homepage at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).
Galileo legacy page at NASA’s solar system exploration site.
NASA (2003): Galileo End of Mission. Press Kit, Sep 2003 (21 pp).
Galileo-Seiten von Bernd Leitenberger (private Webseite).
Cassini paper in Science on Cassini’s Jupiter flyby in Dec 2000:
Porco, C.C., 23 colleagues (2003): Cassini Imaging of Jupiter’s Atmosphere, Satellites, and Rings. Science 299, no. 5612, 1541-1547. doi:10.1126/science.1079462. Another source for this paper is here.
The Juno spacecraft is orbiting Jupiter since 05 Jul 2016 on highly elliptical orbits, and its primary mission ended on 31 Jul 2021 after 34 orbits. The mission extension will continue until Sep 2025/ orbit 76 and includes close flybys at Ganymede (07 Jun 2021, perijove 34, 1038 km altitude), Europa (29 Sep 2022, perijove 45, 352 km), and Io (30 Dec 2023 and 03 Feb 2024, perijoves 57 and 58, ∼1500 km), plus a dozen distant flybys at the ∼10000 to ∼100000 km range to these moons.
Great images of Jupiter from JunoCam are provided here.
Galileo Orbit Tour (Petal Plot)
The Galileo spacecraft was orbiting Jupiter 35 times from 07 Dec 1995 until 21 Sep 2003. The petal plot below shows the orbit in a Sun-Jupiter fixed frame. Orbit inclinations were near zero all the time.
© Tilmann Denk (2025)