Irregular moons of Saturn -- Loge For notes, see 23 Oct 2018 / TD Overview Table Moon name Loge Saturn range 23e6 km Orbit period 3.6 years Orbit direction retrograde Size ~ 5 km Rotation period 7 hh ? Discovery year 2006 (A) Designations and discovery circumstances (A1) Moon name Loge (A2) Moon abbrev. (TD) Log (A3) IAU number Saturn XLVI (A4) Provisional designation S/2006 S 5 (A5) SPICE ID 646 (A6) Also-used label S46 (A7) First observation date 05 Jan 2006 (A7) Announcement date 30 Jun 2006 (A7) IAU circular announcement no. 8727 (A8) Discoverers Sheppard S. et al. (B) Orbit parameters (B1) Orbit direction retrograde (B2) Group member Norse (B3) Dynamical family Ymir (B4) Periapsis range 18.77e6 km (B5) Semi-major axis 23.06e6 km (B6) Apoapsis range 27.35e6 km (B7) Semi-major axis 382 R_Saturn (B8) Semi-major axis 0.154 au (B9) Semi-major axis 0.35 R_Hill (B10) Orbit eccentricity 0.19 (B11) Orbit inclination 167.7 ° (B12) Inclination supplemental angle 12.3 ° (B13) Orbital period 1311 d (B14) Orbital period 3 7 0.25 y:m:w (B15) Mean orbit velocity 1.28 km/s (C) Physical parameters (C1) Mean size ~ 5 -0.75 +1.5 km (C2) Mean radius ~ 2.4 km (C3) Equatorial circumference ~ 15 km (C4) Minimum equatorial axes ratio 1.04 (C5) Axes radii (a x b x c) ~ unknown (C5) (C6) Mass ~ 3e13 kg (C7) Mean density (?) 0.5 g/cm^3 (C8) Surface escape velocity ~ 3 km/h (C9) Rotation period 6.9 h ? (C9) Rotation period error 0.1 h (C9) Spin rate 3.46 d^(-1) (C10) Spin direction unknown (C11) Seasons unknown (C12) Pole direction (ecliptic longitude λ) unknown (C12) Pole direction (ecliptic latitude β) unknown (C13) Pole direction (geocentric RA) unknown (C13) Pole direction (geocentric Dec) unknown (C14) Absolute visual magnitude ~ 15.3 mag (C15) Apparent visual magnitude from Earth 24.6 mag (C16) Best apparent magnitude for Cassini 16.2 mag (C17) Spectral slope unknown (C17) B-R color index unknown (C18) Albedo (?) 0.06 (C19) Hill sphere radius ~ 480 km (C20) Hill sphere radius ~ 200 r_Log